Checking in with DreadKnot



Justin Marshall: Lead Vocals, Guitar
Ryan Smart: Back-up Vocals, Guitar, Keys
Tanner Town: Bass Guitar
Lennon Stevenson: Drums/Percussion

Let’s Catch Up!

How long have you been in Portland now and what’s your top favorite thing about living there?

We have been in Portland for 6 months now and we love all of the surrounding nature. We go camping regularly and make it a point to take trips around the Pacific Northwest and see all of the amazing natural features it has to offer.

What’s one thing Havasu has that you miss/haven’t had/experienced in Portland yet?

We all miss the Lake very much! We have found some awesome creeks up here but nothing compares to the experience that Lake Havasu has to offer when it comes to just jumping right in. Plus the water here is still a little chilly. 

Remember when they rocked Glovember?

Let’s Talk Music!

What did you all learn from recording and releasing your first album?

Overall, we learned the value of teamwork. We also learned an incredible amount about how the music industry is shifting gears with digital platforms and we have to work twice as hard as anyone else to compete.

What about being a band experiencing the current pandemic?

We have learned to adapt! We have been back in the studio working on new material and really getting our sound locked in. We really believe that everything happens for a reason and we have looked at this experience as a speed bump on our road to success.

Let’s Look to the Future!

What are you guys looking forward to in the upcoming year?

We are super excited to get out and play some gigs again! We had a summer tour planned but because of the pandemic it has been postponed, so picking that back up is really exciting. We also just released our debut single “Rainfall” TODAY. We worked really hard to get this one perfect. We also just started uploading new content to our Youtube every month. There are going to be some awesome videos coming soon! We are also hoping to put out some new material in 2021 so stay tuned!  

Any trips/shows planned back in the desert?

We are hoping to make it back to Havasu this fall for a couple of shows. It will really depend on what the venues are permitted to do, but we still have family and friends who we are planning on visiting regardless. 


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